Feb 10, 2016
Please follow the steps below to create a requisition in the Alio Business System.
We have outlined the process into 3 easy-to-follow steps for your convenience.
- Save your requisition after completing each part of the requisition. This will help you if you receive an error at some point during the process.
- To access Alio from you need to use VPN.
- The videos refer to setting the account year to 3 for the year 2012-13. Since the making of the videos the account years have been updated. Now, you should always use the last digit of the school year. For example: 2012-13 = 13, 2013-14 = 4, 2014-2015 = 5 etc.
Who do I contact if I have a question about this process?
- Eric Graeff, Grants, Purchasing and Taxes Accountant x1022
I forget my Building Number, what should I do now?
- Fink Elementary = 21
- Kunkel Elementary = 23
- Reid Elementary = 25
- MAMS = 52
- MAHS = 81